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  1. Mariav

    Lost items to basketball court in gymnasium

    Accepted All items have been returned to your inventory
  2. Mariav

    Glitched item

    Accepted All items have been returned to your inventory
  3. Mariav

    my bicycle disappeared in the ocean please help me (m.b.d.i.t.o.p.h.m.)

    Accepted The vehicle has been placed back in your inventory. Please do not place it on the ground until the plugin is fixed to avoid future problems.
  4. Mariav

    Bicycle glitch

    Accepted The vehicle has been placed back in your inventory. Please do not place it on the ground until the plugin is fixed to avoid future problems.
  5. Mariav

    Lost Items during editmode while sudden server reset

    Accepted All items have been returned to your inventory
  6. Mariav

    Lost All My Items

    PENDING Please insert how did you lose those items
  7. Mariav

    Items Glitched?

    REVIEWED The items still can be placed on your head. Aim to a block (eg. the ground) and right-click it
  8. Mariav

    Lost items to basketball court

    DENIED Please provide proof of having those items before (screenshots or video-proof)
  9. Mariav

    lost items - edit mode moment

    Accepted All items have been returned to your inventory
  10. Mariav

    Lost Items

    DENIED We only can return weapons with video proof of the moment you lost it.
  11. Mariav

    Lost all my items

    ACCEPTED Your items have been returned, only the vehicle is pending. Please DM me explaining how did you get that vehicle - mariav#6666
  12. Mariav

    Lost Item

    ACCEPTED The item has been returned to your inventory
  13. Mariav

    Lost Phone on Carousel

    DENIED You have to provide a screenshot or video proof of having those items before
  14. Mariav

    Missing items due to chest glitch.

    DENIED You have to provide a screenshot or video proof of having those items before
  15. Mariav

    We all had that cringe username...

    it its the best wys
  16. Mariav


    REVIEWED You can set your own age with /setage
  17. Mariav

    Lost stuff

    ACCEPTED All items have been returned to your inventory.
  18. Mariav

    FqllenFocoozo's Missing Sunglasses

    ACCEPTED The item was returned to your inventory
  19. Mariav

    Devil__Killer missing items

    ACCEPTED All items listed were returned.
  20. Mariav

    KukkiROO Missing Items

    DENIED Please follow the format below: