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  1. lQyal

    Accepted Professor Application | lqyal

    OOC SECTION What is your Minecraft username?: lqyal What is your time zone?: EST What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats) frgwater Link all previous applications you made on the server: Spanish application (Had a russian application but got deleted appearently) Describe your...
  2. lQyal

    Apartment Inactivity

    USERNAME:S0daa_ APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW):1330.500 / 80.00000 / 853.300 ISSUE: The person has been offline for more than a month ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  3. lQyal

    i need a reverse reverse plot.

    IGN:lqyal VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME:everything on my chests EVIDENCE:nothing in my chests ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: i thought that putting a chest outside with everything would keep my stuff in it i need a reverse plot reverse- im not sure what to call it but i have nothing anymore. the house number is...
  4. lQyal

    Apartment inactivity

    USERNAME:lQyal APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): Complex H X: 1241 Y: 24 Z: 729 ISSUE: this person hasnt been online in a month ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: