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  1. B

    Lost Item (Catholic Rosarie) School Planner Bug

    IGN: Kastor546 Explanation: While I had school planner in my main hand, I right clicked to school planner and the item on my right hand turned into school planner and disappeared. (Thats happened to me for 2 times please fix that bug.) Vehicle or Item: Lost Item (Catholic Rosarie) Evidince:
  2. B

    Item That Gets Lost And Disappears (Catholic Rosarie)

    IGN: Kastor546 Explanation: While I had the school planner in my main hand and another item in my right hand, I right-clicked on the school planner, then the item in my right hand turned into a school planner and disappeared. Evidince:
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    Lost Item

    IGN: Kastor546 VEHICLE OR ITEM: Electric Guitar "Riff" EVIDENCE:
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    IGN: Kastor546 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Electric Guitar "Riff"