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  1. NotZyFly

    My new bmd application

    In-Game Names (IGN): Main Account: Ryuu Kurogane Alternate Accounts: None Describe your activity on the server: I've been actively roleplaying on the server for the past 7, exploring the city and observing the different factions. I've been involved in a few smaller criminal activities, but...
  2. NotZyFly

    Ryuu Kurogane BMD application

    Black Market Application - Ryuu Kurogane Applicant Name: Ryuu Kurogane School: KaraKura Role: BMD Contact Information: (030)-151-8253 Statement of Purpose: I, Ryuu Kurogane, am driven by a thirst for knowledge and a desire to push boundaries. I've heard whispers of the Black Market, a place...