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  1. RushTX

    Better chances on standoffs to kpd and BMD Events

    What's your Minecraft Username?: RushTX What's the title of your suggestion?: Better chances on standoffs to kpd What's your suggestion?: Verified gang leads and BMD being able to roll 200. I feel like this would add more fear icly and oocly, it would also add more intensity into gang events...
  2. RushTX

    more speed for track members and swim

    What's your Minecraft Username?: RushTX What's the title of your suggestion?: more speed for track members and swim What's your suggestion?: I feel like track and swim should be able to at least have a 10% higher attribute than 100% because there experienced and on a team so they would be...
  3. RushTX

    Crowbars being legal

    What's your Minecraft Username?: RushTX What's the title of your suggestion?: Crowbars being legal What's your suggestion?: Why can wrenches and bats be legal? Isn't a crowbar just as dangerous as those blunts? After all It cant cut off body parts so what's the reason for it to be illegal...
  4. RushTX


    Out-Of-Character Information| What is your Minecraft username?: RushTX Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):shuvasrevenge What is your time zone?:EST Describe your activity on the server: The activity I provide on this server would be my gangrp, jockrp and...
  5. RushTX

    missing items lost my phone to.. lost my...
  6. RushTX


    Alright guys and to my boys I let down here, I really wanna give a big thanks to my brothers that have been here till the end. Ryokujin, duke, 081, mulb3rry. british Nik7r, SodaTX, SpicyRoll, and notsp4des. The first time i met you all you guys changed srp for me. If I'm missing anyone else I'm...
  7. RushTX


    IGN: lattebleh VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: motorbike EVIDENCE: See attached screenshots for proof ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I went to do /feed and did /spawn instead due to distractions on my bike. I then tried the vehicle pickup command and said i had no vehicles
  8. RushTX

    Missing items

    RushTX I had on the bali when the server crashed i have the order and a few ss's of me wearing it i lost it when i got back on a few hours it wasn't in my inventory or chest's later i have ss proof of the buy and when i took the ss of me having it so if i could het that back it would be great...
  9. RushTX

    vehicle request

    IGN:RushTX VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: red motorbike EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:I went to the mod shop to see what i could get i shifted off my bike like said and i haven't gotten my bike back i left and rejoined to see if it would work and it didn't. I tried vehicle pickup all it said i had no...
  10. RushTX

    Missing items RushTX

    My friend zeke, got banned for accused duping and my stuff was in his apartment but in a different chest. I lost some balis and ect I have a ss of everything I had I put the ss of chest they claimed that was mine if there is anyway i can get this back help me out. I have other ss's of me wearing...
  11. RushTX


    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?:RushTX Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):cutecatboy32 How old are you? (Optional):17, 18 in 2 months. What is your time zone?:EST Describe your activity on the server: If it was a scale of 1-10 most...