IGN (In-Game Name): ophest
Previous bans: “To calm you down” by Im6 “Racism” by Adym. “Failing the Mission” by Ducks.
Describe your activity on the server: Currently, I don't have much activity because I haven’t had time to get on but if this application was accepted I will get on more and...
[OOC section]
In Game Name: tokyocircuit
School Employee Role you are Applying For: Office Secretary
How often do you log onto the server?: I get on almost everyday at about 4pm for me and I get off at about 11pm and on the weekend the time I get on varies
Do you have discord? yes
Do you...
[OOC section]
In Game Name: tokyocircuit
School Employee Role you are Applying For: Office Secretary
How often do you log onto the server?: I get on almost everyday and i stay on for multiple hours I get on at about 4pm every weekday and stay on until 11pm for me. On weekends it depends on...
IGN: TheyLoveJoji
Previous applications: Some previous roles I’ve applied for in the past would be the following: Staff Application.
Previous warns/kicks/bans: I’ve gotten 2 bans so far in the school roleplay community one for bypassing with an alt which may of been an accident if you are...
can anyone fill me in on the new stuff going on and new stuff that has been added because I haven’t been able to get on because of my broken computer situation Oof
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