This biography is an update from the previous one. It has the same formatting yet altered slightly
Basic Information;
First Name: Lance
Surname: Herrington
Preferred Name: Lance
Gender: Male
Age: Nineteen
Height: Lance would stand at around five-foot-eleven [5'11"] to six-foot [6'0"]...
[Credit to Suneater for the amazing art]
Basic Information;
First Name: Lance
Surname: Herrington
Preferred Name: Lance
Gender: Male
Age: Eighteen
Height: Lance would stand at around five-foot-eleven [5'11"] to six-foot [6'0"]. Somewhere in between there, but he likes to say he's six...
Korin Anderson [S.A][18][Grade-12][Football-Captain]
[Credit to Suneater for the drawing]
[Absolute massive thank you to peachnct/hannriverr for this biography]
Basic Information;
First Name: Korin
Surname: Anderson
Preferred Name: Just Korin
Gender: Male
Age: Eighteen
Height: Korin...
The name most people know me by is Loooper, but if this application was to be accepted, I would appreciate if the rank could go on my 'ImSoFrxsty' account.
Previous Applications:
All my applications are linked to other forums accounts as I deleted some and made new ones.
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