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  1. Snqw

    Lost Kirby Plushie

    IGN: SnowLobo VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Kirby Plushie EVIDENCE: I got a clip of it disappearing ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: /am bug
  2. Snqw

    Unremovable Rooms

    IGN: Sn_q / SnowLobo Coordinates: 1442 44 1303 (Complex B2 217) Info: I recently bought this apartment, and it came with these 2 unremovable rooms aswell as part of the floor being quartz.. I don't know why this is, but a friend of mine also had this and they were able to get it removed.
  3. Snqw

    Black Bat Backpack loss

    IGN: Sn_q VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Black Bat Backpack EVIDENCE: I got a clip of it disappearing Medal Clip ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I accidentally sold it with the fish when selling it...
  4. Snqw

    Toy Gun Lost

    IGN: SnowLobo VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Toy Gun "S.A.A.U.S.O" EVIDENCE: I got a clip of it disappearing Medal Clip ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I swapped my main hand from left to right and my gun just disappeared..
  5. Snqw

    Adding a Confirmation Prompt for Wardrobe Slot Purchases.

    What's your Minecraft Username?: SnowLobo What's the title of your suggestion?: Adding a Confirmation Prompt for Wardrobe Slot Purchases. What's your suggestion?: My suggestion is to add a confirmation screen for when you try to buy an extra wardrobe slot; a lot of people (including myself)...
  6. Snqw

    Toy Gun Lost

    IGN: SnowLobo VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Toy Gun "S.A.A.U.S.O" EVIDENCE: I got a clip of it disappearing Medal Clip ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: N/A
  7. Snqw

    Koinobori Carp Disappeared

    IGN: SnowLobo VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Black Koinobori Carp EVIDENCE: I got a clip of it disappearing Clip (Medal) & Clip (Youtube) (Incase Medal doesn't work) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was running around with my Koinobori Carp Item when I stopped to type something in LOOC and it just disappeared..
  8. Snqw

    Lost Flipphone

    IGN: Sn_q VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Flip Phone "Sweet Angel" EVIDENCE: I got multiple clips of myself with the phone in my hotbar Clip 1, Clip 2, Clip 3 (Couldn't attach cuz they're too big) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was turning on both of the phones I have and I don't know what I did, but I...
  9. Snqw

    Windows broken in my friend and I our apartment.

    USERNAME: Sn_q APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): X: 1643 Y: 31 Z:677 ISSUE: Windows broken due to furniture. (See screenshots for the specific windows that are broken.) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I do not own the apartment, but I am an admin/manager to the apartment, and have editmode.
  10. Snqw

    Toy Sword Disappeared out of my inventory

  11. Snqw

    Lost Furniture

    IGN: Sn_q VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Air hockey Table EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I lost my air hockey table due to apartment editmode.. It told me to click it in editmode to turn it so I did and it just broke the block..
  12. Snqw

    Items lost part 3

    IGN: 13ke VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: No U card, Fishing rod, grin mask, blue ribbon hay hat, red japanese fan, rose watch, black pearl bow and kitsune cat backpack EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Lost because of baseball field glitch, I also use all of the items on a daily basis
  13. Snqw

    Item request

    IGN:13ke VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Kermit, Frog Umbrella, Cake Pop, Silver Phone, Strawberry thingies, 2 ID's EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was playing baseball after the game my entire inventory was cleared, I also use all of the items on a daily basis
  14. Snqw

    Glasses Disappear out the middle of nowhere

    IGN: iSnqw VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Retoro Glasses EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: so I was playing SRP and I was just using the tiny model when accidentally right clicking while I was holding my glasses. At first I didnt realise they disappeared but after a few minutes I realised
  15. Snqw

    What's this

    Do what the picture below says.. ⬇️
  16. Snqw

    Toy Sword disappeared from my inventory out middle of nowhere

    IGN: Dje_Shadow Car or Item name: Toy Odachi "Sekki" Evidence: Additional: I dropped it on the football field in school on accident I tried to pick it up I picked it up walked of the football field and I...