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  1. Solace

    Issue with custom car

    IGN: barelyasleep VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Mazda MX-5 Miata EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFO: I came back to SRP after a year, and noticed that I'm unable to place down my car.
  2. Solace

    Glitched Car

    IGN: 188Os VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Mazda MX-5 Miata EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I entered my car, then got immediately kicked from the game. When I rejoined the server, apparently others could see it, but I wasn't able to see it, interact with it or /qav callback it.
  3. Solace

    Role Request - Grade 12

    IGN (Minecraft Username): Solac3 WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) Grade 12 YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): Grade 11 EVIDENCE: