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  1. Nattyloo06

    Item selling copy thing not working

  2. Nattyloo06

    Lost my phone

    Tecnically I threw it but I swear I didn't mean to I was trying to cook up a shot
  3. Nattyloo06

    Wanting old custom Item

    Hellooooo! I have a very old custom I mean I guess it’s not that old but I have all the proof I bought it within my emails although I’m unsure how to have it replicated as it’s been a very very long time since I’ve seen it in game and the copy request thing confuses me so I was wondering if I...
  4. Nattyloo06

    I lost my items again

    Okay I have the best story ever, are you ready? So, I joined in on my Nattyloo82 account and I was glowing like with basketball aura while holding a basketball. I was in front of the hallway, across from the basketball courts at school and wearing blue armour. Here's a clip of it, I don't know...
  5. Nattyloo06

    How do you become a Journalist?

    If I wanted to be a journalist how would I do that... Do you join a club and if so which club? Unless there's an application somewhere in forums that I'm not seeing? Let me know please, it'd be much appreciated! <3
  6. Nattyloo06

    Maiden Application | Nattyloo06

    OOC INFORMATION IGN (In-Game Name): Nattyloo06 What is your discord username?: Nattyloo06 What is your timezone?: PST Describe your activity on the server: You’ll often see me on SRP using mainly two to three characters, Nahla, Kazuno, and Percy. During weekdays I’m most active and can be...
  7. Nattyloo06

    Nahla's Backstory

    Nahla’s Backstory Before Karakura Nahla Marchbank was nearly 10 when she learned how to run a house, fending for her sister who was a year younger from the neighborhood bullies, and scraping the floor clean with a straw broom. Daily dishes were the trouble, she’d procrastinate and realize...
  8. Nattyloo06

    Look how artistic my tailoring is ehehehe

  9. Nattyloo06

    Accepted Nahla Copy Request

    Username: Nattyloo06 What is your Minecraft username? Nattyloo06 Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-7563424a77061-b34241 What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Nahla What type of item are you requesting...
  10. Nattyloo06

    Server crash while in courts glitch thing

    I need a backup on my inventory, I was in basketball courts when the server crashed and when I got back on around 4:43 my inventory was gone and I was wearing the blue armour Here's two clips a took before and after it happened One Two
  11. Nattyloo06

    I accidentally placed down something right when I got it..

    I'm sure your sick of my dilemma's now staff I SERIOUSLY TRY I SWEAR for some reason I'm just really good at losing items... Here's the link to the clip of me placing it. I placed down my brand-new furniture by accident I honestly don't know what I thought was going to happen I wanted to ask...
  12. Nattyloo06

    Inventory disappeared during a server crash

    I need my inventory backed up real bad, i have clip proof Medal Clip ^ | screenshot of the last time I took a screenshot of my inventory and in my ticket I stated that the crash where i lost my stuff happened on august the 22nd on a thursday
  13. Nattyloo06

    I lost uh my masks collection thingy that is like super cool furniture to me

    IGN: Nattyloo06 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: "Mask collection" or smthing.. EVIDENCE: The sadness.. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This is why I can't have nice things
  14. Nattyloo06

    Roleplay Hubs own Client

    What's your Minecraft Username?: Nattyloo06 What's the title of your suggestion?: Roleplay Hubs own Client What's your suggestion?: .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.・゜✭・. How will this benefit the server and community?: As mentioned in the image above, this could benefit...
  15. Nattyloo06

    I lost my car

    I don't know how I lost it I KEEP.. LOSING IT. Username is Nattyloo06 So like I looked in my inventory and it was gone, here's proof below
  16. Nattyloo06

    Server crashed while I was in bball court

    Proof: So when the server crashed I was practicing bball in school courts and then when I joined back I spawned at my friends apartment with only the armor on as u can see in the clip above...
  17. Nattyloo06

    Basketball inventory disappearing glitch thing

    So what happened was I was playing in the left courts within school gym and I had joined mid game of someone else who was afk in it and then the person went unafk and we played a bit and then they left the game while in court i think or they /spawned and then colleen walked in the court and...
  18. Nattyloo06

    I lost my vehicle again..

    IGN: Nattyloo06 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Mini Booker S Cabrio EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: mb abt this
  19. Nattyloo06

    I already lost my Vehicle

    IGN: Nattyloo06 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Mini Booker S Cabrio EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: So, I left it unlocked and I came back to the parking lot and BOOM it was gone... I literally got it today heh...