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  1. LiaCelestiasume

    SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | An insight into Karakura Occult Club, part 2: Buried Secrets

    As many may remember from my last report, Karakura High School’s current occult club is not its first - it previously hosted one for a 20 year period between 1967-1987. However, as my previous report noted, tragedy struck and claimed the lives of nine of the club’s ten members in February 1987 -...
  2. LiaCelestiasume

    SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | An Insight into Karakura Occult Club, part 1: Painful Memories

    As many are aware, Karakura High School has recently introduced an unusual new club; the Occult Club. It’s an interesting choice, especially to me - though I’ve not met any of its members yet, unfortunately, so I’m unable to say anything else about the modern club, something notable is that this...
  3. LiaCelestiasume

    SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Yuu Narukami: A symbol of corruption

    In my time as a student of Karakura high school, I’ve noticed the student council change drastically in a short period - and it’s a change for the worse. As mentioned in a previous report by my collaborator, there is a reoccurring theme of corruption in the student council - a trait seen most...
  4. LiaCelestiasume

    inventory lost

    IGN: yukigoth VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: toy quinue, toy yamato, Toy shalamayne, other toy sword (screenshots), galaxy scythe, gameboy, round glasses (screenshot), toy hello kitty gun, lighter, sunflower hat EVIDENCE: Screenshots posted ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: items lost via editmode bug where...