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  1. hannriverr

    vanevirit3's Adult Role Request

    IGN (Minecraft Username): vanevirit3 WHAT ROLE DO YOU NEED?: Adult WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT ROLE?: Grade-12 [2nd Profile, Yukiko Masayoshi] EVIDENCE: I used to play back in 2021, before the character profiles system was put in, and lost the majority of my old screenshots and one of the accounts I...
  2. hannriverr


    Miyahara Boutique is an online clothing store that ships solely to folks in Karakura. Founded and led by Sarissa Thorne, Miyahara is far from 'fast-fashion' but excels in selling items to the quickest buyer. The catalogue opens every other week, with new outfits and accessories appearing each...
  3. hannriverr


    Hi everyone. . . It's hannriver, now vanevirite! I'm back and making skins. This tailorship is not a commission-based store, but is instead a catalogue to purchase from with set prices and first-come first-serve methods of purchase! It's like an auction, but not quite. There's no bidding, only...
  4. hannriverr

    Accepted Flamin' Keytar Copy Request

    Username: hannriverr What is your Minecraft username? vanevirit3 Was your custom model completed after April 2023? No What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Flamin' Keytar What type of item are you requesting? Instruments (20,000) How many copies are you...
  5. hannriverr

    Accepted Guitar "Battle Axe" Copy Request

    Username: hannriverr What is your Minecraft username? vanevirit3 Was your custom model completed after April 2023? No What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Guitar "Battle Axe" What type of item are you requesting? Instruments (20,000) How many copies are you requesting...
  6. hannriverr

    Accepted Guitar "Battle Axe" Copy Request

    Username: hannriverr What is your Minecraft username? vanevirite Was your custom model completed after April 2023? No What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Guitar "Battle Axe" What type of item are you requesting? Instruments (20,000) How many copies are you...
  7. hannriverr

    Accepted Flamin' Keytar Copy Request

    Username: hannriverr What is your Minecraft username? vanevirite Was your custom model completed after April 2023? No What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Flamin' Keytar What type of item are you requesting? Instruments (20,000) How many copies are you...
  8. hannriverr

    writing & skin commissions open!

    hello! i come to drop a link to my writing & skin commission carrd. any questions or qualms please dm me at anderson!#0269 . i also can provide references or previous works if you need them at this discord! just let me know! commission link (click here) note: haha unable to log into my forums...