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  1. Acerrisnothere<3

    Let professors teach highschool!!

    What's your Minecraft Username?: Acerrisnothere What's the title of your suggestion?: Let professors teach highschool!! What's your suggestion?: Imo, as a professor and even a highschool student. I find it annoying when there are no teachers online and not that many College students online...
  2. Acerrisnothere<3

    Housing ISSUEEEEE

    Yeah alr a housing request for you, I have this lecturn with a book stuck in it and i cannot and i mean CANNOT get rid of it. Someone please do something please It is STUCK in my apartment and i cry when i see it. Please and i mean PLEASE get rid
  3. Acerrisnothere<3

    Accepted Acerrisnothere Arts Professor application

    What is your Minecraft username?: Acerrisnothere What is your time zone?: BST What is your discord username? @Acerrisnothere Link all previous applications you made on the server:
  4. Acerrisnothere<3

    Accepted Display "Hello Kitty Collection" Copy Request

    Username: Acerrisnothere<3 What is your Minecraft username? Acerrisnothere Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-9529024a1147-4500cc What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Display "Hello Kitty Collection" What...
  5. Acerrisnothere<3

    Accepted Display "Hello Kitty Collection" Copy Request

    Username: Acerrisnothere<3 What is your Minecraft username? Acerrisnothere Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-9529024a1147-4500cc What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Display "Hello Kitty Collection" What...
  6. Acerrisnothere<3

    Acerrisnothere Vehicle

    IGN: Acerrisnothere VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: SF90 Spider Estella EVIDENCE: