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  1. S

    Quick idea. Student parking lot.

    IGN: Sofetios DATE: 11/1/2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I just had a quick idea of adding a student parking lot to the school in the future? Just an idea. Haven't put much thought to it. I thought it would be cool rp wise and aesthetic wise for students to drive in and park in school...
  2. S

    Payment for 2 Vehicles!

    (Sorry for the big pictures) IGN: Sofetios VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Jayamen's Street Stall EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The second picture has me paying twice. the second payment is for the second vehicle below. IGN: Sofetios VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: The Jayamen Taxi EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL...
  3. S

    "Copy of Copy" Written books should NOT be able to be Copied on a Printer. ("Copy of Original" Should still be though)

    IGN: Sofetios DATE: 9/13/2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Please make it so Written books that are "Copy of Copy" in its item description are NOT copyable on a printer or the thing used to copy books. Currently a "Copy of Copy" Written book makes another "Copy of Copy" Written book...