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  1. ixsena

    Accepted ixsena's Governor Application!!

    PLAYER INFORMATION In-game Name: x4sena Discord Tag: @ixsena Do you have a working microphone?: Yes but I’d prefer not to use it Timezone & Country: GMT+6:30 | Myanmar Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them): Describe your activity on the server: I’ve been constantly...
  2. ixsena

    Private Chests

    USERNAME: ixsena APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1487, 31, 500 ISSUE: Disowned the apartment but forgot to take my items in my private chests including furniture ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: if there are too many items to fill in my inventory, can u please put them in Apartment J, 206 - 1221, 35...
  3. ixsena

    Lost Item

    IGN: Galaxyseawolf VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Gas Mask EVIDENCE:
  4. ixsena

    Lost Item

    IGN: ixsena VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Kitsune Mask "Tokayami" EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Had the hat held in my inventory but as I was about to put it on my armour slot, my friend joined and left the basketball game while I was carried at school and the hat disappeared...