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  1. jalhadeff

    I lost my Toy Katana that I'll use on Comic Con :sobbbb:

    I was holding one of the Zoro katana's on my left hand that I bought from Yona Yona but then I opened my school planner and it dissapeared it was called "Toy Katana Sandai Kitetsu" I really need the item back before Comic Con ;-; You can see there that I had the 3 of them before but now I only...
  2. jalhadeff

    The Akamine Family - Lore and invitation

    The Akamine Family Origin (1800s) The Akamine family had its origin in Berlin, Germany, in the early 1800’s. They had a really close bond, but struggled financially, facing difficulties with money and low social status. They were a small family and despite their attempts to involve...
  3. jalhadeff

    Forums date of birth change

    Hey so, when I first joined the server I didn’t really know what I was doing so I put my date of birth on 06/08/2005, but the correct one is 06/08/2008 (6th of August 2008) can you fix it please? Sorry for the inconvenience.
  4. jalhadeff

    How do I add an Image to the forúms "Signature" thingy?

    Recently I made an Image for the little signature part that appears after your messages on here but I've been struggling to make that image appear, I tried some different links but it always appeared something more than just the Image so I've resorted to asking here, please help lol
  5. jalhadeff

    An "Official IC School Rules" Document on the "Roleplay Documents" Thread

    What's your Minecraft Username?: jalhadeff What's the title of your suggestion?: An "Official IC School Rules" Document on the "Roleplay Documents" Thread What's your suggestion?: I wouldn't say it's an urgent matter that needs to be solved but after some situations that my character has...
  6. jalhadeff

    Accepted jalhadeff's Physical Education Teacher Application

    About Me What's your Minecraft Username?: jalhadeff What's your Discord username?: jalhadeff What's your Time Zone?: UTC-3 Provide any link(s) to previous applications: What are your current roles on the server?: MC account1(Main): jalhadeff Kaiser Aoyama (Grade 12)(The one I am...
  7. jalhadeff

    I lost my phone in the crash please help

    donnt mind the chat, but the phone is in my hand, when the server crashed not so long ago it dissapeared, I think the name is "black smartphone" or smth, please give it back to me ;-;
  8. jalhadeff

    KPD Application | jalhadeff

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): Jalhadeff (Main) OAlho (Alt) Discord Name & Tag: Jalhadeff Which timezone are you in? UTC-3 Brazil, SP List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications: Describe your activity on the server: I would say that in a scale of 1-10 I am...
  9. jalhadeff

    Accepted College council application | Jalhadeff

    College Council | Jalhadeff Blair Ariya OOC SECTION GENERAL INFORMATION What is your Minecraft Username?: jalhadeff What is your timezone?: UTC-3 Brazil, SP, São Paulo Please provide your Discord tag: jalhadeff or jalhadeff#7755 Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server...
  10. jalhadeff

    Denied Please delete this

    I had an application but due to unfortunate timing it would take a long time untill it got eventually reviewed and I want to use the character for something else so I am sorry, please delete this thread
  11. jalhadeff

    Denied Kaiser Mikage | jalhadeff Governor Application

    Governor Application for Kaiser PLAYER INFORMATION In-game Name: jalhadeff Discord Tag: jalhadeff Do you have a working microphone?: yes Timezone & Country: utc-3 Brazil Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them)...
  12. jalhadeff

    Bought a motorcycle but i cant get it (full image) So I bought this motorcycle and I dont know how to get it, if necessary I have video evidence of the purchase, also if i need to get it on the post office the npc is gone ;-; i dont know if you need it but my username in mc and discord is jalhadeff
  13. jalhadeff

    Introducing Voice Chat to SRP

    What's your Minecraft Username?: jalhadeff What's the title of your suggestion?: Introducing Voice Chat to SRP What's your suggestion?: My suggestion is to add the optional use of the minecraft mod "Simple Voice Chat" or some other mod with the same ultility/purpose How will this benefit...