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  1. Typeicide (Temp)

    "The Asahiko is Always Right Foundation"

    "Have you ever been wrong about something?" "Of course you have you mompara numpty, why, you probably don't even realize that I just called you a moron!" "It's sad, really... But there is hope." "I'm Asahiko, founder and CEO of the Asahiko is Always Right Foundation." "Here at A.A.R.F., we...
  2. Typeicide (Temp)

    Accepted Barlocide's School Mentor Application

    [OOC section] In-Game Name: Barlocide [Typeicide] School Employee Role you are Applying For: I will be applying for School Mentor. How often do you log onto the server?: 8-10 hours a day depending on what I am doing. Do you have discord? Yes. And I have joined the Karakura Academics discord...
  3. Typeicide (Temp)

    Forgot Password

    Yeah I have been stuck on this account for a long time, and I have not been able to log into my old account, I kind of don't wanna use this account as a main one, but uh yeah the forgot password thing has not been working at all. I sent a password reset request to my email but after checking...