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  1. Shohinata

    Vehicle disappeared when crash (yoichiisagi)

    IGN: YoichiIsagi VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Red Motorcycle EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: my ss isn't in my inventory because i don't have any recent pictures but someone saw me crash and screenshotted it before it despawned for me.
  2. Shohinata

    Love Sword Lost Item

    IGN: 25Bam VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: "Love Sword" EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I recently bought the item from the auction house and after i put on my earrings with this item in my offhand it suddenly became a cane.
  3. Shohinata

    Accepted Sous-Chef Application

    In Game Name: DynJarren School Employee Role you are Applying For: Sous Chef How often do you log onto the server?: Everyday, I stay on for about 3 to 4 hours each day. and currently have a 5 day play time. Do you have discord? Yes my discord tag is trudyy#7777 Do you have a microphone? Yes...