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  1. zegevlier

    Update rule 3.3a and re-allow freecam

    What's your Minecraft Username?: zegevlier What's the title of your suggestion?: Update rule 3.3a and re-allow freecam What's your suggestion?: This suggestion comes in two parts, but they fit strongly together so I opted to put them in a single post. Please, when +1/-1ing this suggestion...
  2. zegevlier

    Official Fix the sign bug (clientside)

    Hey humans, Hate the sign glitch? Me too! Unfortunately, we don't have a way to solve that server side (we've tried). In the meantime, I have a mod that fixes it for you! We've tested it on several different versions, but if it doesn't work leave a comment here. You need the fabric API for...
  3. zegevlier

    Bring back the volleyball colours.

    IGN: zegevlier DATE: 1-2-2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Bring back volleyball colours! HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: The colours make it way prettier, easier to ref and more fun for spectators. #bringbackthecolours
  4. zegevlier

    Age 18

    IGN (Minecraft Username): zegevlier WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) Age 18 YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): Age 17 EVIDENCE: I will provide a screenshot of /grade, but that keeps on looping. @Tippie can vouch that I waited for the countdown and it just resets. I've been age 17 for months now and I...