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  1. PingLoad

    Missing items from apartment glitch

    IGN:LastOnline VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME:top roll is aspirin second hydrocodone third roll cymbalta last roll paracetamol EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: it was in my apartment but i lost it due to the glitch
  2. PingLoad

    apartment glitch

    IGN: LastOnline VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: items in ss EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: i lost every single thing in that chest and more but since i dont have ss of it i cant ask for it this is the most recent ss of it
  3. PingLoad

    Still At Grade 11

    IGN (Minecraft Username): LastOnline WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK):Grade 12 / Age 18 YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY):Grade 11 / Age 17 EVIDENCE: