About Me
What's your Minecraft Username?: 4sp
What's your Discord username?: .4sp
What's your Time Zone?: GMT
Provide any link(s) to previous applications:
What are your current roles on the server?:
[Grade 12] - 2 Characters
IGN: 4sp
ITEMS: All items were older.. I assume things were updated and such. Items are listed below.
"Electric Fish Hat"
"Cowboy Hat"
"Novelty Top Hat and Monocle"
"Dark Blue Umbrella"
"Flip Phone"
I also have an old settingsGui item and a few old food items, but they aren't a concern tbh...
IGN: 4sp
What I need: College Role
Current Role: I am currently Grade 12.
Evidence: https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/4sps-college-application.23361/
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