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  1. 4sp

    4sp's English Teacher Application

    About Me What's your Minecraft Username?: 4sp What's your Discord username?: .4sp What's your Time Zone?: GMT Provide any link(s) to previous applications: What are your current roles on the server?: [Grade 12] - 2 Characters Why...
  2. 4sp

    Lost Item

    you're a strange one~
  3. 4sp

    Grade issues

    possibly try /setage ... I'm no moderator though, worked for me yesterday :)
  4. 4sp

    Phone Speaker Mode❓

  5. 4sp

    Missing Textures on Old Items

    IGN: 4sp ITEMS: All items were older.. I assume things were updated and such. Items are listed below. "Electric Fish Hat" "Cowboy Hat" "Novelty Top Hat and Monocle" "Dark Blue Umbrella" "Flip Phone" I also have an old settingsGui item and a few old food items, but they aren't a concern tbh...
  6. 4sp

    College Role Request

    IGN: 4sp What I need: College Role Current Role: I am currently Grade 12. Evidence: