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  1. ramirez

    Demarcus Hanma Biography W.I.P

    Demarcus Hanma Basic Information First Name: Demarcus Surname: Hanma Preferred Name: Demarcus Aliases: "Ew, what the hell is that" "Baki" Gender: Male Age: 18 Height: 5'10" Weight: 155 lbs Build: Lean and wiry Skin Color: Pale, with a faint olive undertone Eye Color: Dark brown...
  2. ramirez


    ppl just suck at gnagrp
  3. ramirez

    bro I think I broke my legs. [IMG]

    bro I think I broke my legs.
  4. ramirez


  5. ramirez


  6. ramirez

    Inventory Glitch.

    IGN: lx3vr VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Grey Phone, Black Phone, White Phone, Bostaff, Bamboo Staff, Smile Mask, Spray Can, Clout Goggles EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I really don't know how to explain this, but my inventory kind of went POOF.
  7. ramirez

    Missing Item

    IGN: Doctor_Pepper VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Katana EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I opened the Cosmetic menu and I clicked the Melon Gadget while my Katana was in the 5th slot and it replaced Katana and I cannot find it
  8. ramirez

    Club Master Raynans

    IGN: Sushi_8008 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Club Master Raynans EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I opened my inventory while my glasses were on, I was moving an item in my inventory to another space then the glasses glitched out of my inventory and when I went to check if I dropped it on the...
  9. ramirez

    yoyyo whats up my diggity dogs give me a highfive please help me i having a stoke i hav sdcv deprsn

    yoyyo whats up my diggity dogs give me a highfive please help me i having a stoke i hav sdcv deprsn
  10. ramirez

    Art Of My Character "Kioku Yurusu"

    You appreciate real art
  11. ramirez

    Art Of My Character "Kioku Yurusu"

    this is my masterpiece
  12. ramirez

    Art Of My Character "Kioku Yurusu"

    Artwork of my beautiful character
  13. ramirez

    ha pp

    ha pp
  14. ramirez

    pee pee is funny

    pee pee is funny
  15. ramirez

    pp poopoo

    pp poopoo
  16. ramirez


    IGN (Minecraft Username): ZB36 WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) Student Grade 12 YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): Dog EVIDENCE: