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  1. Void_Chazy

    Item Request

    IGN: Void_Chazy VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Headphones (Blue and white) and Sword of deathstroke EVIDENCE: I have no evidence as i was always wearing my headphones and my staff was a recent purchase ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I went back to 1.13.3 and I had all my old stuff back but all my newer things...
  2. Void_Chazy

    Void_Chazy's Role request (college)

    IGN (Minecraft Username): Void_Chazy WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) College/Age 19 YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): Grade 18/Age 18 EVIDENCE:
  3. Void_Chazy

    Void_Chazy- Missing item

    IGN:Void_Chazy VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME:Toy Katana "Yubashiri" EVIDENCE:I didn't get a screenshot when i had the item. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:Could i please get it back, because i spent 2 months trying to get it, then when i logged on the next day, my items were all gone
  4. Void_Chazy

    Void_Chazy's age request

    IGN (Void_Chazy): WHAT YOU NEED (Grade 12) YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (Grade 8,age 14): EVIDENCE:I played the game for about a month and a half, but i'm still grade 8, can you fix this please?