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  1. R

    Inventory wiped

    IGN: SafariGids VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Kintsugi black sunglasses, watergun, duck phone, 2024 relay baton, ringpop. EVIDENCE: After the glitch: Inventory (SS is 2 days old): ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I ran from one basketball court to the other. My character lost the blue attire when entering the...
  2. R

    grade 12

    IGN (Minecraft Username): SafariGids WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): GRADE 12 YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): GRADE 8 I used to RP as a little brother, but im going to make a new char who is in grade 12. EVIDENCE:
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    grade 12

    IGN: SafariGids WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): GRADE 12 YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): GRADE 8 EVIDENCE: I RP as a little brother for awhile, but want to make a new char who isn't 14 y/o. the format shows it exactly the same??
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    Grade 8

    IGN : SafariGids WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): Grade 8 YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): Grade 12 EVIDENCE: I want to RP as a little brother to my ICLY sister.
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    Been on the server for a few days but everytime i try to /grade, i get the message that i've already reached my max grade. Is there a way to fix this? Please let me know! IGN: SafariGids Thanks !