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  1. Pigalo

    Lost Pocket Knife and Fire Axe

    IGN: Squidalo VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Fire Axe, Pocket Knife EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I Recently lost my apartment with my Axe and Pocket knife in it.
  2. Pigalo

    Items Glitched out of existence

    IGN: Squidalo VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: I don't know all the names for the items i lost EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Everything in my inventory disappeared. I was playing Basketball and once i left the court i was stuck in Blue team's armor for a while, I made a ticket and the armor issue got...
  3. Pigalo

    Missing Item

    IGN: Lawkyt VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Halloween phone EVIDENCE: (The photo.) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I had it in my inventory then i logged off, then i come back the next day and its no longer in my inventory or my apartment
  4. Pigalo

    Glitched Bicycle

    IGN: Squidalo VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Green Bike EVIDENCE: I was riding my bike near the auction house and accidently drove into the fountain.
  5. Pigalo

    Lost Bicycle

    IGN: Squidalo VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Green Bike EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I accidently drove into the pool at the beach and my bike disappeared
  6. Pigalo

    Lost All My Items

    IGN: Squidalo VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Plague Doctor Mask, Box mask, Black Flip Phone, Hello Kitty Umbrella, Toy Katana 'Yamato'. Evidence: All these items are in my hotbar : ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was in the basketball court then, I was kicked from the server out of nowhere then when I...
  7. Pigalo

    Item Glitch

    IGN: Squidalo Item Name: Squid Hat Evidence: Additional Information: I was getting carried by one of my friends then I see that my squid hat isn't in my inventory, so I relog and its in my inventory again so I put on the hat and it disappears.
  8. Pigalo

    Role Rank Fixing!

    Hi um I've been stuck at 9th grade for a while now and every time i try grade up it says im at max grade i was wondering if you could fix that for me i was contacted by another staff member to ask here so if you could fix that i would appreciate it greatly!
  9. Pigalo

    Grade Request

    IGN (Minecraft Username):Pigalo001 WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) grade 12th YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): grade 9th EVIDENCE: