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  1. IIKoalityII

    Cat Backpack glitched

    IGN: IIKoalityII VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Car Backpack EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I accidentally clicked on a chest with the backpack in my hand and it turned into a staff. It was the white cat backpack.
  2. IIKoalityII

    Lost An Item

    IGN: IIKoalityII VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Grin Mask EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I included evidence of me buying the mask before the incident. I had a lollipop in my mouth at the time and didn't realize I still had it on. Tried to wear my mask and...
  3. IIKoalityII

    Rank Request

    Minecraft Username : IIKoalityII In Game Name : Choko WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) Grade 12, Age 18 YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): Grade 11, Age 11 EVIDENCE: