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  1. Amaryllis

    More Service animals

    IGN: CatRP DATE: 8/26/2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: more service animals. make it so more than just dogs can be service animals HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: this would make it so players could have a service animal if they have a cat and no one wants to be their...
  2. Amaryllis

    Housing Issues

    USERNAME: Dantato_ APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): X: 1228 Y: 18 Z: 750 ISSUE: I cant place a sign on the wall inside my apartment. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The cords to the specific spot on the wall i cant place are X: 1230.5 Y: 19 Z: 750.5
  3. Amaryllis

    Friend drank my mask

    in the video he drank my mask & also sent me a screenshot of his inventory the mask was Video link bc wouldn't upload here
  4. Amaryllis

    Community Manager
