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  1. X

    Inactive House Owner

    USERNAME: XertzSlang APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1776, 56, 1350 ISSUE: Inactive house owner i would like to buy ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  2. X


    This is XertzSlang i am writing this forum because i have a friend by the name of SkullSiren that owns a apartment at complex D apartment number 506 1790 . 82. 1350 top floor and i spoke with SkullSiren and she is willing to give me her apartment and hand over the owner ship on it there for i...
  3. X

    Grade Fix Request

    IGN VintageLies What i need Grade 12, 18 My current role Grade 8,14 Evidence iv been grade 8 and 14 for a while now and deserve 12 and 18