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  1. Isan

    Apartment space/storage issue

    In-game-name: Kleghi Residence: Complex H, Apartment 502. Issue: Chests owned by other users unable to be removed. Coordinates included.
  2. Isan

    Apartment Help

    In-game-name: Kleghi Apartment: Complex H, number 502 Issue: Signs owned by other users.
  3. Isan

    Lost items after timing out in editmode

    IGN: Kleghi VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Entire inventory, close screenshot is listed below.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Debit card was lost as well containing most of my money, money proof listed below.EVIDENCE:
  4. Isan

    Residence disown request

    Inside the residence block next to power plant on level 5 owner of Apartment 602 has been offline for longer than 1 month. Their username: Blunt71810