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  1. Adan2

    bike glitched

    hey this time i place on staircase bruh rip f well this is new cause first is no water 2 blocks high then its no placing in school now is no placing on stairs i can add to list then of places not to go with bike...
  2. Adan2

    bike glitched again

    i hate this i just got my bike back after it glitched in the water i submitted a thread and it got approve by yonio and he gave back to me the bike so i log on and just happen to be in school so i say "oh lets try out bike i got it back yay" i place it in school and glitched again bruh fr i...
  3. Adan2

    Bicycle lost

    IGN: Adan2 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: bike lost EVIDENCE: photo ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: i lost in when the bike went into water. it is green bike and i bought from auction. photo shows me buying the bike green bicycle when i bought it and when i rode it in water it dissapaered gone.