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  1. Gnagrp

    Spiked bat rework!

    +1 make spiked bats good again:(
  2. Gnagrp

    Never recieving

    IGN: GregRp Issue: I never recieved my custom car mugiwara i bought before the update which auto gave the car and just never ended up being given it
  3. Gnagrp

    Lost car

    IGN: Gregrp VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Bentley jeep ISSUE: I lost this awhile ago and just found the screen shot again.
  4. Gnagrp

    Gregrp Shrine Application

    OOC INFORMATION IGN (In-Game Name): GregRP What is your Discord username?: GregRp What is your timezone?: Est Describe your activity on the server: I'm usually on for at least 1-2 hours per day, but sometimes far more. List your current roles on the server: [Dolphin] Flippers...
  5. Gnagrp


  6. Gnagrp

    Old soc

    Old soc
  7. Gnagrp

    Lost items in locker

    IGN: Gregrp Vehicle or Item Name: Naginata "Nights claw" Naginata "Catacylsm" Pipe wrench "Braindead" Sai, Fireaxe Tactical knife, Pipewrench Evidence: https: I have video evidence of the items being in the locker but as they disapeared while offline i have no proof of them disapearing...
  8. Gnagrp

    Vehicle issues,

    IGN: Gregrp VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Regera EVIDENCE: So aparently theres 2 of my car around, i dont know exactly how i was banned for about a month and when i got back i didnt have it, so i made a forum request for it back, i got the car back a little while ago but just recently saw a second...
  9. Gnagrp

    Lost car

    IGN: Gregrp VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Regera EVIDENCE: ss is old due to me not playing for awhile
  10. Gnagrp

    Vehicle bugged

    IGN: GregRP VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Bently Jeep, Its bugged as it doesnt unlock and let players into it besides the owner EVIDENCE:
  11. Gnagrp

    nuh uh

    nuh uh
  12. Gnagrp

    Missing motorcycle

    IGN: Blueberrybleh VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Red motorcycle EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Lost when i placed it.
  13. Gnagrp

    Apartment disown request

    USERNAME: Blueberrybleh APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): ISSUE: Owner has been inactive for a month ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1299 - 19 - 647
  14. Gnagrp

    Denied _Gregg's | Lawyer Application

    PLAYER INFORMATION In-game Name: _Gregg Discord Tag: gregrp Do you have a working microphone?: Yes. Timezone & Country: U.S.A | EST Describe your activity on the server: I'm often on 2-3 hours a day at least and over the summer it will probably be closer to 5-6 a day. APPLICATION...
  15. Gnagrp

    Denied Delete

  16. Gnagrp

    Max red bike dissapeared.

    IGN: _gregg VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Red Motorcycle EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Left it spawned for 5 seconds and it dissapeared, was fully upgraded.
  17. Gnagrp

    Lost Vehicle

    IGN: _Gregg VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Regera EVIDENCE:ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: When i logged on it wasn't there, the car wasn't placed at all.
  18. Gnagrp

    Lost vehicle, due to it being placed and glitching.

  19. Gnagrp

    Denied Librarian application

    What is your Minecraft username?: GregEnvy Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Gregrp How old are you? (Optional): N/A What is your time zone?: EST Describe your activity on the server: Weekdays I'm on about 7-10, weekends 7-12 sometimes earlier depending on other...
  20. Gnagrp

    Apartment suggestion.

    IGN: GregRp DATE: 8/8/2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Add a confirmation in chat that you have to type a certain confirmation message to extend the rent on your apt. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: This would stop people from accidently miss clicking and extending rent...