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  1. Aftris

    Support Request #2

    IGN (Minecraft Username): Aftris WHAT RANK DO YOU NEED?: Grade-12 WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT ROLE?: Grade-8 EVIDENCE: Side-Context: Logged on and the game automatically 'promoted' me to Grade-8 when I did /grade.
  2. Aftris

    Did /grade by accident, and I got reverted back to a Greenie.

    I did /grade by accident, and it "promoted" me to Grade-8. 0 clue what happened, but I can no longer use /setage to fix this. Before & After: Playtime proof: IGN is Aftris
  3. Aftris

    Apartment unown thing

    USERNAME: Aftris APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1633 / 47 / 1286 ISSUE: Apartment owner has been inactive for 30+ days. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: None