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  1. Lazeas

    Basketball inventory loss #5036

    IGN: Lazeas VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: black umbrella, silver glasses, frosted glasses, phone, like 8 water guns, other stuff ect EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Server crashed while i was on the basketball courts and it took like 5 minutes to start up again. It didnt even spawn me at the courts...
  2. Lazeas

    lost item

    IGN: Lazeas VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: The normal motorcycle thing EVIDENCE: attached ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: idk where it went. Could I get it back or lemme know where it went
  3. Lazeas

    /looc command

    IGN: Lazeas DATE: 7/4/2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Adding a /looc command. when you type "/looc" or something similar in chat it activates/deactivates looc chatting mode. In looc mode, any message you type will be automatically sent as an /looc message HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE...
  4. Lazeas

    basketball inventory loss #344

    IGN: Lazeas VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Jetski, phone, other stuff EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I lost my entire inventory due to the basketball court bugging it out during server lag and lost everything, could I get a roll back or something?
  5. Lazeas

    Serious Attribute Thread

    For staff: Before you read, I want to clarify that I did suggest this before, but I'm posting again because I've come up with a new rebuttal. I ask that you please read and give this thread some time before thoroughly reviewing it. IGN: Lazeas DATE: 3/9/2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION...
  6. Lazeas

    New Fishing kinda yikes

    IGN: Lazeas DATE: 3-3-2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Pre-mini-game update, at max 100 fishing, you used to make around 4-6k profit with 1 rod (which took around 25 minutes to break). I already thought that was a pretty low amount of money but with the new update with max 100 fishing...
  7. Lazeas

    New speed/swim attribute grind

    IGN: Lazeas DATE: 3/3/2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: The amount of speed you get when running should be heavily buffed. If this does not get buffed, then the track field should be at least 3x MINIMUM EXP along with adding some other items that boost exp because a whole week of running...
  8. Lazeas

    basketball inventory loss x5

    IGN: Lazeas VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Frying pan, Spatula EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Sent a tic tac toe request on phone icly and they accepted the exact second i stepped on the court. lost my whole inventory after stepping off
  9. Lazeas

    cooking, frying pan LOSS

    IGN: Lazeas VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Frying Pan EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Testing out cooking plugin and put some bacon but it burned and it said i needed a spatula to take it out, couldn't retrieve frying pan back since didnt have spatula. Then used editmode to break the oven block and...
  10. Lazeas

    Basketball Inventory Loss x2

    IGN: Lazeas VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Rose Watch Star Diamond Earrings Heart Purse Flower Earrings Vodka Valentine's bouquet x3 Unbranded Bandage Frying Pan Helmet "God Mode" Halloween Smart Phone Lotus Umbrella Fake ID Bunny Beret Toy Katana "Kurikara" White Flip Phone Soju Pink School Bag Ocarina...
  11. Lazeas

    Lost item

    IGN: Lazeas VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Frying pan EVIDENCE: Attachments ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: item fell into basketball courts
  12. Lazeas

    Fix basketball court

    IGN: Lazeas DATE: 1/5/2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: One of the basketball courts (X: 1688, Y: 17, Z: 1133) at the gym doesn't work on blue's side, the ball just vanishes after throwing it. It's been like this for over 3 weeks. I'm pretty sure it's been mentioned multiple time to...
  13. Lazeas

    Basketball inventory lost

    IGN: Lazeas VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Rose watch, gray phone, binoculars, water gun, shovel, frying pan, flower umbrella, fake id, ocarina, a toy katana EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Stepped into the school basketball court for 0.204 nanoseconds before stepping off and lost all my stuff...
  14. Lazeas

    Unable to break certain blocks (Penthouse 109)

    USERNAME: Lazeas APARTMENT COORDINATES: X: 1729, Y: 36, Z: 529 ISSUE: Some spots in the apartment give you the error "You cannot place this block here" I found as many as I could (12 spots) and filled it with sand (mc sand gravity). Now it won't let me break the sand block giving the error "You...