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  1. TellTotty

    House disown request | TellTotty

    USERNAME: TellTotty APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): ISSUE: This person has been offline for a month and 10 days, to be more correct. He was banned ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  2. TellTotty

    House unown request | TellTotty

    USERNAME: TellTotty APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): ISSUE: This person has been offline for 2 months and 5 days whilst have 246 days left in the house. Not only that there has been many other reports of this house which hasn't been dealt with ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Here is more pictures...
  3. TellTotty

    Accepted TellTotty's Culinary Professor Application

    OOC SECTION What is your Minecraft username?: TellTotty What is your time zone?: My time zone is PST What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats) @telltotty Link all previous applications you made on the server: Accepted -...
  4. TellTotty

    Denied Delete app

    deleted app
  5. TellTotty

    Denied (UPDATED) History Teacher Application | ThighRP

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: ThighRP Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?: Totty#6695 Do you have a microphone?: Yes How old are you? (Optional): 20 What is your time zone?: PST Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you...