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  1. sc4rs

    [IMG] Bored out of my mind

    Bored out of my mind
  2. sc4rs

    Housing Issue

    USERNAME: sc4rs APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1260 83 1238 ISSUE: Owner has been offline more than 1 month ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  3. sc4rs

    Emily A. Hibbard (Family)- Bio

  4. sc4rs

    Chibi Bio - WIP

    SOO cuteee
  5. sc4rs

    Unclaimed Apartment

    USERNAME: sc4rs APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1633 35 1266 ISSUE: This person has been offline for 30 days and more (his user is RedBuli) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: :
  6. sc4rs


  7. sc4rs

    Message me if theirs a kitten looking for a home ☁︎ [IMG]

    Message me if theirs a kitten looking for a home ☁︎
  8. sc4rs

    [IMG] Love notes

    Love notes
  9. sc4rs


    Thank You!! ♡
  10. sc4rs


    | Emily A. Santos | First•Name | Emily Last•Name | Santos Preferred Name: [Em ♡'] Age | 18 years old Gender | Female | C H A R A C T E R | ♥ ~ A p p e a r a n c e ~ ♥ Emily Aria Santos is a 5'0" female weighting roughly around 113 pound's. She's a high school senior with Grayish eye's...
  11. sc4rs

    † Something I read †

    † Something I read †
  12. sc4rs

    Don't ever give up on what you worked hard for . . .♥ [MEDIA]

    Don't ever give up on what you worked hard for . . .♥
  13. sc4rs

    ♡ Another Emily Remake♡

    Had someone else make it for me a while ago ♡
  14. sc4rs

    ♡ Another Emily Remake♡

    | Emily A. Santos | First•Name | Emily Last•Name | Santos Preferred Name: [Em ♡'] Age | 18 years old Gender | Female | C H A R A C T E R | ♥ ~ A p p e a r a n c e ~ ♥ Emily Aria Santos is a 5'0" female weighting roughly around 113 pound's. She's a high school senior with Grayish eye's...
  15. sc4rs


    | Emily A. Santos | First•Name | Emily Last•Name | Santos Preferred Name: [Em ♡'] Age | 18 years old Gender | Female | C H A R A C T E R | ♥ ~ A p p e a r a n c e ~ ♥ Emily Aria Santos is a 5'0" female weighting roughly around 113 pound's. She's a high school senior with Grayish eye's...
  16. sc4rs

    Housing Issue-

    USERNAME: sc4rs APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): apartment complex A [403] ISSUE: There are a lot of glitched blocks inside my friends apartment and its been days without anyone trying to help ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: it isn't my apartment its my friends , her user is crimsxn_x
  17. sc4rs

    Housing Issues

    USERNAME: scars APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): Block I room 212 ISSUE: Someone has been off for 1 month and 7hour and 20min and they still own a apartment ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: im trying to buy this place but the person hasn't been on for a while and I know if someone isn't been on for a...
  18. sc4rs

    Item turned into something else

    IGN: sc4rs VEHICLE OR ITEAM NAME: palid bag EVIDENCE: pic ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: it used to be A purse/hand bag with black and brown boxes around and now it turned into a Glitched Bear backpack. If you go to my inventory it still says the name of the purse