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  1. TheRealJob2310

    Denied Applcation ✘

    IGN: Role in School Council: Being a Counsillor Expected activity (out of ten): 8 RL Age (note that it does not matter how old you are): 17 Previous Applications: A few that did not get in Motivation for joining: I wanted to make the school a better place and safe and friendly. What is the...
  2. TheRealJob2310

    Denied Teacher Applcation

    OOC INFORMATION IGN (In Game Name): job2310 Previous bans: one Describe your activity on the server: Usually on all morning in UK unless busy so yeah and then in UK at night I am on till 9pm Do you have TeamSpeak3? Nope Do you have a microphone? Soon List your current and past applications...
  3. TheRealJob2310

    I can not apply!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I can not apply!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. TheRealJob2310

    Hi guys its me job2310!

    Hi guys its me job2310!