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  1. SanrioRoll


    If anyone has any plushies that can be placed or just any cute furniture they're willing to let me buy or trade with one of my customs lmk! I'll appreciate it so much I'm specifically looking for maybe custom teacups/teacups, plushies, and smaller furniture or items! For reference I have a few...
  2. SanrioRoll

    Missing Vehicle

    IGN: SanrioRoll VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Hello Kitti EVIDENCE: Attached ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The 2 screenshots I provided are from yesterday at some point, I remember logging on around the 3-4am with my bike and setting it down near spawn. I had to log and I assume it disappeared after the...
  3. SanrioRoll

    For Older Players of SRP | Whos the longest character you've had and what have they survived through

    Who's the oldest character you've had and what SRP events have they survived through? I'm curious because I hear so many stories from the 2019-2021 era but I never met anyone who had their character survive
  4. SanrioRoll

    Vehicle Request

    IGN: SanrioRoll VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Siziku GSR "HelloKitti" EVIDENCE: payment attached ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: N/A
  5. SanrioRoll

    Guide Team [Community Members]

    IGN: SanrioRoll DATE: 10/30/2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: My suggestion is that a new community team is created to help guide new and/or confused players. A guide team will have the role of guiding confused players and/or relatively new players in game and out to help them adjust...
  6. SanrioRoll

    Owned Apartment

    USERNAME: SanrioRoll (my username) USERNAME: JeremyLobo APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1818.80 / 44. 00 / 533. 66 or SD Penthouses, Penthouse 205 ISSUE: Apartment belongs to a currently banned player and I'm requesting if I can have it unlisted for me to buy. Only 5 days are left on it...
  7. SanrioRoll

    Denied SanrioRoll | Event Team Application

    Describe your activity and potential punishment history as a player of the server: My current activity is a 9/10, I'm mostly active during the night (EST time). I'll be getting a 2nd job soon which may alter my playtime for the morning and/or afternoon for certain days. I have no current...