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  1. Acerrisnothere<3


  2. Acerrisnothere<3

    Says the COPY

    Says the COPY
  3. Acerrisnothere<3


  4. Acerrisnothere<3

    woah who is this? Why you matching w me on here?! LOLOL

    woah who is this? Why you matching w me on here?! LOLOL
  5. Acerrisnothere<3

    Let professors teach highschool!!

    What's your Minecraft Username?: Acerrisnothere What's the title of your suggestion?: Let professors teach highschool!! What's your suggestion?: Imo, as a professor and even a highschool student. I find it annoying when there are no teachers online and not that many College students online...
  6. Acerrisnothere<3

    Housing ISSUEEEEE

    Yeah alr a housing request for you, I have this lecturn with a book stuck in it and i cannot and i mean CANNOT get rid of it. Someone please do something please It is STUCK in my apartment and i cry when i see it. Please and i mean PLEASE get rid
  7. Acerrisnothere<3

    How to create a fun college class

    or just have a annoying student in your classes. (Acerr in Bens class) and just let the chaos spiral but still do the work ofc. Even if you dont have a plan just think on making the rp more enjoyable when you can be flirty with your friends and just be a menace! Imo i just love being the ask...
  8. Acerrisnothere<3

    TIS I

    TIS I
  9. Acerrisnothere<3

    Im in love with Charlieisnothere and nobody and i mean NOBODY can take her place in my heart

    Im in love with Charlieisnothere and nobody and i mean NOBODY can take her place in my heart
  10. Acerrisnothere<3

    What are your favorite TV Shows/Movies?

    Ive watched a bit of it. Got bored in a hotel room and watched like half of it.
  11. Acerrisnothere<3

    [Unofficial Community Guide] In-Character Art Guide!

    favouritism is at its peak But great guide for beginners or people who want to actually put effort in one of the greatest classes known to man. 10/10 living only for art classes
  12. Acerrisnothere<3

    Accepted Acerrisnothere Arts Professor application

    What is your Minecraft username?: Acerrisnothere What is your time zone?: BST What is your discord username? @Acerrisnothere Link all previous applications you made on the server:
  13. Acerrisnothere<3

    Accepted Display "Hello Kitty Collection" Copy Request

    Username: Acerrisnothere<3 What is your Minecraft username? Acerrisnothere Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-9529024a1147-4500cc What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Display "Hello Kitty Collection" What...
  14. Acerrisnothere<3

    Accepted Display "Hello Kitty Collection" Copy Request

    Username: Acerrisnothere<3 What is your Minecraft username? Acerrisnothere Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-9529024a1147-4500cc What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Display "Hello Kitty Collection" What...
  15. Acerrisnothere<3

    Acerrisnothere Vehicle

    IGN: Acerrisnothere VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: SF90 Spider Estella EVIDENCE:
  16. Acerrisnothere<3

    More for Cooking
