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  1. Scorpios2024

    Bring back FREE paper walls

  2. Scorpios2024

    [ -- 'ACTOR' (Keiko 'K.O' Ito) | Biography/Lore -- ] [WIP]

    [OOC]: All the information below is not to be taken ICly, unless it is discovered by your character. Some parts of this bio are also subject to change. [!] A brown, tattered leather journal, sealed shut with a string, rests on a desk. It's seen better days... [!] [!] The book is opened. All...
  3. Scorpios2024

    [ -- MEMBER24'Oni' (A. 'Kaneki' Aka) | Biography/Lore -- ]

    [OOC]: All the information below is not to be taken ICly, unless it is discovered by your character. Some parts of this bio are also subject to change. [!] A computer is booted into a modified version of Linux Mint. Fingers dance along the keyboard, then the mouse, and a window containing the...