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  1. Rzelly

    4 Questions that I'm begging to be Anwsered

    question 1 : ya know when u crouch and right click someone and "you have added ___ to your focus" i want a explanation how it works question 2 : How do perms work? question 3 : what is not allowed if u dont have perms? question 4 : how do i know if i/someone else has perms me/him
  2. Rzelly

    How do perms work

    Ive got 3 questions. How do perms work and what is not allowed if u dont have perms? and how do i know if i/someone else has perms me/him
  3. Rzelly

    how does CCTV work?

    Can u send videos too orrrrrrrrrrrr
  4. Rzelly

    how does CCTV work?

    how does cctv work in srp?
  5. Rzelly

    Unfortunately my bike despawned because i left it out for too long and i have no proof of it so i have to do this again (User:Rzelly)

    bike not appearing in my inventory after i bought it
  6. Rzelly

    Bike not appearing in inventory after buying it

    i would like an mod to give me my back that i rightfully bought