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  1. H

    Pirrouttee | 2 Items lost in Post Office

    IGN: Pirrouttee Discord: .hedeon Lost Items : I lost two items on auction yesterday, I spent 160k on two items (80k each), and went to collect them at the post office, however It has glitched and I'm unable to receive the Items I have purchased. The Items are as follows; "Skull" Mercutio and...
  2. H

    Denied Umesaka's Shopkeeper Application

    Player Information What is your Minecraft username?: Main : [HedeonRP] Alternate : [Umesaka] Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Yes, I have a working discord account and a fully functional microphone that I'm able to use without restriction. You can contact my...
  3. H

    Tournament Tickets

    -1 as an ex-footballer and captain I'd be upset if the amount of people coming to watch me play the plugin we work hard to get good at, by limiting the people allowed to watch limits the attention on people who have worked hard to get where they are. I understand wanting to reduce lag and yes...
  4. H

    Prohibiting Student -> Adult flirting

    +1 Continuously in the month I worked for EMS I can't tell you how many student characters had hit on / harassed my character. It's a massive issue in the community and should be dealt with accordingly - You've made some amazing points already Yonio but one I'd like to add on is; One, even if...
  5. H

    Allowing Advertisement in RPH Channels, #skins and #art

    What's your Minecraft Username?: HedeonRP What's the title of your suggestion?: Allowing Advertisement in RPH Channels, #skins and #art What's your suggestion?: Today’s discussion or “Suggestion” Is on the topic that recently arose in #skins channel when the tailoring community was informed...