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  1. BruhItzJayden101

    Age Change Request

    IGN: JayTheAlaphant What I Need: I would like to have my age changed to 18 Current Rank/Grade: I've been playing since 2016 and I've been stuck in grade 12 age 17 since then. Evidence:
  2. BruhItzJayden101

    Custom Weapon Texture Not Showing

    Ign:JayTheAlaphant Item Name:Akumu Katana Evidence: Additional Information: I Havent played in like a year or so, so idk if the texture is outdated or what but i would like some help if possible.
  3. BruhItzJayden101

    hey guys im the leader of the T.D.S were changing the name to Taketatsu Insanity

    hey guys im the leader of the T.D.S were changing the name to Taketatsu Insanity