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  1. L

    do you think this is unfair?

    I'm not the third guy whom was arrested too, I was simply a witness that began having fun with muffin and his friends before the event. I was not spamming you or throwing snowball at this time I was just watching. And there is a very big difference between murder and a miss understanding, and...
  2. L

    do you think this is unfair?

    So what if I was a witness and could tell you that muffin did not run more than 20 blocks then turn back simply because he did not wish to be tazed after being threatened. And you yourself even threatened us. And then when he happily walked to the wall and you asked him to halt, he moved two or...
  3. L

    do you think this is unfair?

    Yeah? Okay, in real life a fine would be closer to $100-$300. Even if you make it $3000 on the server, isn't it better than $135,000? Sure it might not be accurate, but it seems the officer just wants to make some money and used this as an excuse. He shouldn't have the role of officer in this...
  4. L

    do you think this is unfair?

    And he clearly tried to get the officers attention, but was ignored. He literally says it. READ.
  5. L

    do you think this is unfair?

    Here in Australia, if we threw a snowball at an officer on duty, they would join in for a game, not arrest them. What kind of laws do you live by? I feel sorry for you if you get over a year jail time for throwing soft snow at people.
  6. L

    do you think this is unfair?

    And I'm not saying he shouldn't be in jail for potentially assaulting an officer, just that this was too harsh a punishment, seriously.
  7. L

    do you think this is unfair?

    What about his friend? And the bail money was clearly overpowering. He probably doesn't want to wait 13 months to be his own character on a server. And he wasn't assaulting an officer, he was clearly just getting their attention. Everyone can throw snowballs at whoever they like and he gets...