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animal whitelist

  1. ElignoreYou

    Finding DetailRPers

    PREFACE Hey! I'm Celine. Both my work and personal schedule are always fluctuating, so I may be on at odd times of the day. My timezone is GMT/UTC-9 and I'm flexible to meet others if we have a large difference. This forum is to find preferably longterm roleplay, I don't mind if you're newer...
  2. Reapz999

    Adjust the rolls for animals to create a better play environment

    What's your Minecraft Username?: SCP_662 What's the title of your suggestion?: Adjust the rolls for animals to create a better play environment What's your suggestion?: As the title states, the recent change to roll numbers for animals negatively affects the play for them as it becomes...
  3. Birdzie

    Animal Whitelist Removal

    I am not fully sure where to post this and I have tried many times now, including emailing Support. If it is possible, could I get my animal whitelist removed and my grade 12 back. IGN - Birdziee Hours Played - 3 Days 20 Hours 41 Min Animal Whitelist - Bird If approved, I greatly appreciate...
  4. Birdzie

  5. Yippie_

    Animal Whitelist Removal

    IGN: Dday_1 I don’t know where else to post this so sorry in advance if this is the wrong place- awhile back, I bought a animal whitelist for a raccoon and now looking at it I would like to use the account for other things such as a possible priest or teacher role, so I was just wondering if it...
  6. TenRP

    Role Request (Animal whitelist)

    IGN (Minecraft Username):UwURP WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) Animal Whitelist (Dog) YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): Highschool/18 EVIDENCE: I have not had a pop up in chat so I done /help and the mod said to just send proof of purchasing here!