players online

auction house

  1. Sukubi Ishikawa

    Auction house item

    I was going to sell 3 items on the auction house and for some reason, i had the item in my hand and i put it on a spot that could be put while selling, when i finished the transaction so it would be for selling, it didn't put in the auction house and the item also left my inventory, i don't have...
  2. A7XM

    Missing CUSTOM!

    IGN: A7XM VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Tactical Flashlight "Nitecore" EVIDENCE: I owned this for awhile I bought a copy for 1.2m and put it on Auction and it was not at Post Office nor my Inventory ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: OLD SS
  3. _Washu_

    Reintroduce the "confirmation feature" at the AH

    IGN: _Washu_ DATE: 3/12/22 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Simply: Add the "Confirm Your Purchase" Feature when clicking on items at the AH rather than just automatically purchasing it for us. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Firstly: It was never announced that the feature was...