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  1. O

    house 106

    Hello i bought house 106 and when I do /property editmode it does not work it says I'm outside the property when I'm inside here's a ss and the doors in the ss I can not open for break them plz if you can. Their is also chests on the side of the house i can...
  2. O

    House 106

    Hello i bought house 106 and when I do /property editmode it does not work it says I'm outside the property when I'm inside here's a ss and the doors in the ss I can not open for break them plz if you can. Their is also chests on the side of the house i can...
  3. J

    Lost Items due to Creative mode

    What's your Minecraft Username?: Mteeay I was in property editmode when the server randomly crashed without warning, and my entire inventory was replaced with creative mode items (all my stuff is gone). I have 2 old screenshots which include some of the items I lost: Can I please get back...
  4. J

    My inventory got wiped after SRP crashed (while I was in editmode)

    What's your Minecraft Username?: Mteeay I was in property editmode when the server randomly crashed without warning, and my entire inventory was replaced with creative mode items (all my stuff is gone). I don't have a screenshot of my inventory from before the crash but I have one immediately...
  5. amydiamond

    inventory cleared during crash in editmode

    I suddenly had the build items instead of my items in my inventory ( the server crashed while i was in editmode)