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glitch grade

  1. V


    Hi, I’m having trouble with my character. Before I was in 12th grade and when I joined yesterday I was in 7th?? When I type /grade it’s says I’ve reached the limit. Can someone please help me change it back? My IGN is Nadeshik0, and my RP name is Monday Novikov. Thank you.
  2. V

    Please help.

    Hi, I’m having trouble with my character. Before I was in 12th grade and when I joined yesterday I was in 7th?? Can someone please help me change it back? My IGN is Nadeshik, and my RP name is Monday Novikov. Thank you.
  3. S

    General gameplay issues.

    I was playing on the basketball court while the server underwent a reset yesterday and lost my items (there was nothing significant so not really complaining). But after this, I couldn't use the menu tool in my inventory to check my profile, and the basketball uniform is now in my inventory as...
  4. N

    Grade Glitched

    IGN: Nvyen What I Need: Grade Fixed, either grade 9 or 10 (ive been playing for a good bit) Current Rank: 7th Grade [13] Evidence:
  5. L

    glitched rank

    username- lucchet_tea problem- I'm grade 8 but I have ranked up 2 times now and haven't changed grades or ages. It says reached maximum grade so I refreshed but it just restarted the count down for ranking up. It also won't let me put the screenshot saying the file is too large.
  6. D

    Grade Request

    im not getting older an leaving the grade 8, even when they say i am in the maximum grade. MINECRAFT NAME: claravmv RP NAME: Cece Jordan ACTUAL AGE: 14 AGE REQUEST: 18
  7. itsacultist

    Age/Grade Glitch

    I've been in the game for at least two hours and every time I try to rank up, it says I've reached the maximum grade. It happened twice. I'm still in 7th grade. IGN (Minecraft Username): itsacultist WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): Grade 9 (15) YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): Grade 7 (13) EVIDENCE...
  8. Sith

    Can't grade up

    IGN (Minecraft Username): Sithness WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): Grade-12 YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): Grade-10 EVIDENCE:
  9. Sith

    Role Glitched

    IGN (Minecraft Username): Sithness WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) Grade-12 YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): Grade-10 EVIDENCE:
  10. CreeperLex

    Can't Grade Up?

    i've been playing for multiple days now and whenever I type /grade it says I have a certain amount of time until I reach the next grade, but the timer keeps restarting and I can never get past grade 7. How do I grade up?
  11. P

    ''Maximum grade'' Glitch

    IGN: SavoiardiDelDUCE actually Grade: 13 request for grade-10 and 16y