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grade stuck

  1. Meika

    Grade Glitch

    IGN (Minecraft Username): ShemToon WHAT ROLE DO YOU NEED?: Grade 12 WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT ROLE?: Grade 7 EVIDENCE: I was offline for a couple years (probably around 2) and came back and its reset my age. here's some screenshots Edit: got a response in game !! was told to wait for a mod response...
  2. D

    Grading up

    I've been playing for the past 5 days and my grade has been stuck on grade 9. For the longest time and it says I'm on maximum level how can I fix this. I think I should be at least at grade 12.
  3. simpp

    Grade/rank fix

    My grade is glitching I've been on the server for a few hours like 3-5 hours today and I haven't graded up although the timer is counting down whenever it finishes it said grade maxed reached. IGN: LoFii_ What I need: not sure. Like I said been on for around 4 hours today and was on for like 3...
  4. Stanlammie

    Grade stuck at 8

    IGN: stanlammie What you need: grade 9 Current role: grade 8 Evidence: (it is a dutch site but the picture should be visable instantly)