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help me please sos

  1. sultryblood2

    Loss of a specific item | sultryblood

    Hello! I was playing SRP with a friend, who can vouch for me when I say this; I was trying to drop an item to them, sitting under the sakura tree at the Shrine, and it disappeared into the ground. IGN: sultryblood ITEM NAME: Handbag "SAKURA" EVIDENCE...
  2. P

    I'm supposed to be a Year-11?

    So when I do ar check It says im Year-11 and that I've played for 1 day and 5 hours. But when I type in chat, I'm still a year-7, can anyone help? IGN: Paluumin <- proof
  3. Oswin-chan

    Resource Pack Crashing My Game!!

    I wanted to download the server resource pack. Therefore, I turned it on to 'prompt', entered my game, and clicked 'yes' when the pop-up asked me if I wanted to download it. Plain and simple. Of course, everything plummeted from there. (In no way am I trying to blame the server or the pack, as...
  4. NØR5K1

    Someone Explain The Server TO ME!

    Hello! My name is Tord, but my username is TomRidgewell_ I'm new to this server, and I need to know the basics of the game. Is there a place to sign up for roles? What are the basic commands? How do I get umbrellas and stuff x-x
  5. S

    HELP my friend is stuck in the family store can a staff member get her out

    HELP my friend is stuck in the family store Can staff member get her out plz!!!!!! Plz!!!!