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#help #missingitems

  1. sultryblood2

    Loss of a specific item | sultryblood

    Hello! I was playing SRP with a friend, who can vouch for me when I say this; I was trying to drop an item to them, sitting under the sakura tree at the Shrine, and it disappeared into the ground. IGN: sultryblood ITEM NAME: Handbag "SAKURA" EVIDENCE...
  2. Charinette

    Missing phone

    Hi, I've lost like.. Two phones now on SRP, I'd like to file a ticket for one of them, however. The first phone, I don't know if it glitched or if I might have accidentally thrown it or something, that's why I'm not filing for it. The second phone, I'm filing for because I was using the rocket...
  3. BasketDog

    Missing Items

    IGN: SignorinaAmore I am missing 78 Beginner Apples (Those that you get when you first join the SchoolRP server) My GPS And my Smartphone The way I lost them: I lost them because I was in editmode decorating my room that I had just bought. I Then went back to survival after finishing off my...
  4. S

    missing loads of items

    IGN: Screamo_memeo VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: multiple items EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: my Minecraft account glitched out a while back and I lost progress on a lot of my worlds and some multiplayer servers. when I joined back on SRP almost all of my items were missing. the only few that...